Pilates Online - The New Normal?
Jun 14, 2020
Photo by Prostock-Studio
Maybe I'm naive, but of all the potential threats our planet could have faced, a pandemic wasn't something that I'd ever envisaged. The 2016 feature film "Pandemic" is described as an American science fiction thriller, yet suddenly what should have remained science fiction has now become our reality. Covid-19 has been devasting on both a humanitarian and economic level in varying degrees in almost every country around the world. Our way of life has changed, requiring us to adapt to this new normal and the way we do Pilates is no exception to these changes. As many Pilates studios are preparing to re-open now as restrictions ease, does that mean the end of Pilates online?
What Does Pilates Online Mean?
When Pilates studios were forced to close in March this year, Pilates instructors around the world scrambled to come up with online options for their clients as quickly as possible. The first option is live classes on either Skype or Zoom at a designated time. These can be 1:1 sessions or in groups, such as Mat classes on Zoom, where the instructor can see each participant and they can see each other too. Having never taught Pilates via Skype until March this year, I quickly adapted to this new mode of teaching as did some of my clients who were committed to their Pilates training and welcomed a new challenge. The second type is following pre-recorded Pilates videos on demand. This can be in the form of a one-off course, or alternatively, an online Pilates studio like my site, JS Mind Body Pilates Online which caters to all abilities and health conditions and guidance is offered on exercise selection if needed.
How Has Pilates Online Been Received?
Many Pilates practitioners, myself included, will continue to offer classes via Skype and Zoom due to their popularity and success even after re-opening their studios. Others have added another whole division to their existing studios that they would never have discovered, without being forced to find alternative workout solutions for their clients during lockdown. Not all studios have found these sessions have been popular and there are several factors that may contribute to this. Some people might not have the technical knowledge or resources available to participate. The opposite may also be true if technology dominates their work-life they may resist consciously using it for a Pilates session too. However, in general, Pilates online has definitely been well received.
Pilates Online Or Studio Pilates. Which One Should You Choose?
Our way of life has changed for the foreseeable future and positives do come from negative situations. Pilates online has now made Pilates accessible outside the studio environment.
Studio Pilates, 1:1 or in small groups of 3 or 4, provide many advantages in terms of experiencing face to face teaching and having access to machines and equipment. This is one of the original ways of doing Pilates and this will continue with Covid-19 safety plans in place while necessary. It's also reassuring to know that there are effective alternatives available if you are unable to or choose not to attend studio sessions. If you are over 70 years of age, or have a compromised immune system, or are recovering from an illness or even just enjoy the convenience of working out at home, online Pilates sessions are definitely for you. Anita, who shared her cancer journey in my previous blog post experienced this first hand at the end of last year. She had the all-clear to begin Pilates, post-surgery for colon cancer just as my studio closed for the Christmas break. Fortunately, she was able to follow JS Mind Body Pilates Online, my online studio, to gradually strengthen her abdominals and ease back into Pilates safely, while working at her own pace, initially with my guidance. Alternatively, she would have lost 4 weeks waiting for my studio to reopen in the New Year. If you would like to sign up for JS Mind Body Pilates Online, take the free 10 day trial now.
It comes down to your own individual circumstances as to which option is the best for you and this may change over time. It's wonderful to know we have these options available to us. Despite what is happening in the world around us, we can adapt and still find ways of doing the activities that we enjoy and are essential for our health & well-being, such as Pilates.