What's Causing Your Foot Pain?

pilates & foot pain Sep 22, 2024
This person is stretching their tight, painful feet


It's only human nature to focus on the part of our body that's causing us pain
if you have foot pain it will dominate your thoughts especially if it makes your everyday activities challenging. You receive a constant reminder when you stand or walk. that your foot is not supporting you. The pain may be a dull ache, a sharp. twinge or a tingling sensation but you are hyper-aware of your foot or feet and not thinking about what's happening in the rest of your body.  Have you injured your foot? Could your foot pain have been triggered by a weakness somewhere else in your body? Or could the pain be referred pain from another issue altogether? Could it be a sign of disease? 

Everything is connected in our bodies and it's important to look at how our body functions as a whole rather than a collection of separate pieces working independently. So let's take a look at the possibilities of where your pain may be coming from and how you can overcome your pain.


Feet First

Often the forgotten part of the body in most exercise programs our feet play a crucial role in supporting our bodies and keeping us pain-free. Joseph Pilates was ahead of his time and knew the importance of feet by including numerous foot exercises in his method. Ill-fitting shoes, a sedentary lifestyle or impact sports can all compromise our foot health. If you have foot pain it's important to have the correct diagnosis from a medical professional to ensure your foot pain isn't a symptom of another issue in your body.

Common Foot Problems


Plantar fasciitis, arthritis, bunions, heel spurs, and Achilles tendonitis are some of the most common foot conditions that bring people to Pilates and are usually easily diagnosed by a medical practitioner. By strengthening from the core and glutes first and then adding specific foot strengthening exercises these conditions can be greatly alleviated with Pilates. 


Red Flags To Look Out For


Tingling or Numbness In Your Feet

If you experience tingling or numbness in your foot or feet you need to seek medical advice straightaway. This can be an indicator of lumbar disc issues when a spinal nerve is compressed, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, or several other conditions.  It's a mistake to ignore this symptom as it can lead to nerve damage and foot drop, making it difficult to lift your foot off the floor. If it's a symptom of another condition such as multiple sclerosis you need to begin treatment. 

Swollen Ankles & Feet

Fluid or swelling around your ankle or foot can be a sign of several different health conditions. It can be edema caused by heart disease, kidney disease, liver failure and even a side effect of medication. It could also be much less serious if your ankle has swollen due to a recent sprain or strain. Don't ignore swelling and ensure that you why know your foot is swollen.

A Fractured Or Broken Bone

A broken bone in your foot is very painful and takes weeks to heal.  Sometimes fractures aren't picked up straight away which makes the injury worse. It may be necessary to reduce weight-bearing with a fracture by wearing a moon boot which takes the pressure of your foot but still allows you to walk. You will need careful rehabilitation after the bone has healed to ensure a full range of movement of the foot is maintained and Pilates is ideal for this.


Pilates Prevents Imbalances Caused By Foot Pain


Whatever type of foot pain you have, Pilates can help you maintain the strength and mobility of the rest of your body and prevent further injury.  It's common to limp or hobble with foot pain and this creates wear and tear on the joints above such as the knees, hips and pelvis leading to imbalances and pain. The whole-body approach of Pilates ensures your feet are strengthened and the rest of your body is pain-free too.  This also works the other way. Imbalances in the muscles above your feet such as your glutes can also cause poor alignment and foot pain.  Through my unique online Pilate studio, I can help you to overcome your foot pain, identify any imbalances and help to future-proof you against further injury.

Whatever foot condition or health issue you are dealing with, my unique online Pilates studio is for you. If you are ready to begin your Pilates journey and make positive changes to overcome pain, email me at [email protected] to get started.  Alternatively, you can book an Initial Assessment with me here or  take the free 10 day trial of JS Mind Body Pilates, my online studio, and start straight away.  It would be my pleasure to assist you on your Pilates journey to positive, pain-free living!




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Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.