Pilates During Challenging Times
Mar 06, 2022
During this past week I mentioned to one of my clients, Sue, that we were coming up to 2 years since the pivot from in person to virtual Pilates when the world shut down in March 2020. Neither of us could believe it's almost 2 years but at the same time, the progress she has made since being online can only be described as remarkable. Even though Sue has been doing Pilates with me for almost 8 years and successfully rehabilitated from back pain and knee surgery, going online has challenged her in new and exciting ways. He increased strength and flexibility mean that occasional back pain flare-ups are a thing of the past This peace of mind also gives her a sense of confidence when it comes to trying new Pilates exercises and other forms of exercise too. When I congratulated her on how far she has come she thanked me for guiding her and also commented that Pilates has been a constant for her during the pandemic and a source of comfort in these unpredictable times which she has been incredibly grateful for. So let's look at how Pilates can not only assist you to become pain free but provide you with so many additional benefits during these unprecedented, challenging times.
Pilates Equips You To Be Self-Reliant
Lockdowns and business closures have meant that practitioners such as osteopaths, acupuncturists and chiropractors weren't always available for regular treatments. Even If they were available sometimes there was fear around attending in person treatments when case numbers were high. As vital as these treatments are, if you are relying on these modalities for pain relief for back or shoulder pain for example, it creates a degree of anxiety when you can't access. them. The Pilates skills I can help to equip you with mean you can take control of your own health and fitness so you are not solely reliant on others to become pain-free. It's an empowering feeling and I love seeing my clients putting their Pilates skills to use to manage and control their pain. If you want to become self-reliant too and learn how to manage your pain go to my online Pilates studio for the options on how I can equip you too with these invaluable Pilates skills.
Pilates Provides Mental Health Benefits
In Australia we have gone from the catastrophic bush fires of 2019 and early 2020 straight into the pandemic. The masks we wore to protect us against choking smoke where suddenly being used for protection against against Covid 19 and we've barely taken them off since. As we draw to the end of the pandemic (we hope!) rain has caused unprecedented flooding along parts of the east coast of Australia. On a global scale the world is reeling in horror as Russia terrorises the Ukraine. It's not surprising that people are suffering mentally. One of my retired clients confided in me recently that he was quite depressed, but he is putting on a brave face. The world events are taking their toll on him as he had planned a retirement of overseas travel. Most of it would be visiting family members he hasn't seen for more than 2 years now. His plans are now on hold. He was angry and frustrated that as things are opening up technically he could travel but the added risk of contracting the virus and the complex preventative measures that go with it are making it look like hard work. Pilates has provided him with a way of dealing with the emotions he feels towards events that are out of his control. He always feels more relaxed and optimistic at the end of each session. It's a form of "moving meditation" for him and the breathing definitely helps to calm his mind too. He also feels that he has done something productive for himself, which benefits him not only physically but mentally as well. If you are looking for a way to calm your mind too, my unique Pilates program could be exactly what you are looking for.
You Can Practice Pilates at Home or on Holidays
During these uncertain times, my online Pilates studio allows you to practice Pilates in the comfort and safety of your own home. You can still keep up your practice even when you are on holidays as many of my clients do regularly. You have the security of knowing that as long as you have internet connection you can do Pilates. Since March 2020, many Pilates studios have been open and closed multiple times which makes it hard to maintain a consistent training program. Many of my clients who started online in March 2020 have barely missed a Skype session with me since then so have had regular sessions which have greatly contributed to their amazing progress. I have one client in particular who travels frequently and this resulted in her missing many sessions pre-Covid when she attended my studio. Now she schedules in her Skype sessions with me when she travels and she rarely misses one. Needless to say she has never been as strong and flexible as she is right now and she is in her mid 60s. So even though the world around us seems out of control, there is comfort in knowing you can still make your mental and physical health a priority with Pilates wherever you are in the world.
Pilates Practice is a Constant When the World is Changing Rapidly
As my client Sue said, her weekly Pilates sessions via Skype have been a constant since the pandemic hit and her life was thrown into chaos. She had always loved her Pilates sessions in the studio and the thought of not being able to continue when studios were forced to close almost 2 years ago was too much to cope with. Being able to continue with Pilates via Skype meant she could keep her back pain under control and enjoy that much-needed time out from the stresses of daily life. Neither of us imagined that this would turn out to be an enormous benefit for her as she has gone from strength to strength as I mentioned above. If you are looking for a "constant" that will keep you connected to your mind and body during these challenging times then my online Pilates studio is ideal for you too. Practicing Pilates can be both constant and a comfort in these rapidly changing times.
So as you can see Pilates can provide enormous benefits for you both physically and mentally in these challenging times. If you are ready to start your Pilates journey and enjoy all these benefits click HERE to read about what options I have to offer you. Alternatively, email me at info@jsmindbodypilates - I'd love to help you establish a "constant" to help you through these unprecedented times!