Maintaining Your Health During A Cost of Living Crisis

pilates in challenging times Oct 20, 2024
This person is walking in nature which is free during cost of living crisis and maintaining their health and fitness


During my Mum's recent hospital stay, several nurses asked me what I did for work. When I told them I was a Pilates Practitioner they all made the same comment  - "Pilates! That's so expensive!"  They all said they knew they needed to do it as they had aches and pains from such a physically and mentally taxing profession but they all said they couldn't afford it.  I was a little shocked by this reaction as surely their health and well-being should be their number one priority. If they had chronic back or neck pain for example their whole livelihood was at stake. They were all convinced Pilates was too expensive and it was out of their reach. When I tried to tell them about the cost-effective options I offer for example their minds were closed to the idea. They believed Pilates was expensive and nothing was going to change this fixed belief.

The current cost-of-living crisis means many people are forced to make short-term decisions that can negatively impact their long-term health. So, let's look at some creative, free, or low-cost ways to ensure you maintain your health and well-being during challenging times and future-proof yourself against pain, injury, and disease.


Pilates - My Unique On-Demand Website


If you want all the benefits of high-quality, cost-effective Pilates tuition, my on-demand website is for you. This library of videos is divided into 6 courses catering to all levels of experience and is specifically designed to help you recover from pain or injury. The videos are based on the same exercises I've been using for the past 20 years to help my clients overcome pain and then stay pain-free as they age. Many of my clients have commented that following the videos feels like I'm in the room with them guiding them through their session. At AUD 20.00 per month which works out at approximately $5.00 per week for unlimited access, my website is the ideal way to achieve your Pilates goals while being extremely affordable.  As long as you can access the internet, you will save time and money commuting to a studio and progress through my program as quickly or slowly as you would like. There is a free 10-day trial and you can self-cancel at any time so you have very little to lose and can potentially achieve life-changing results. I'm also available via email to answer any questions you may have along the way. 




One of my clients commented that she believes my book is an excellent resource for staying pain-free through Pilates and something she will refer back to for years to come. If you are committed to overcoming pain, staying pain-free, and ageing well, my book provides many valuable resources to help you achieve this. There are action steps at the end of each chapter so you can start your journey to pain-free living straight away by accessing the bonus videos that are included. The Kindle version, available on Amazon, is only AUD 9.95 and this investment will provide invaluable information to improve your health and wellbeing for the long-term.




Walking is a free form of cardio exercise as it increases cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness.  It is often recommended by doctors to help reduce high blood pressure and can also provide relief for arthritis and general stiffness. It's a good form of weight-bearing exercise which increases bone density and improves balance. The great thing is you can explore new areas on foot, get into nature or even enjoy long walks through indoor shopping centres in poor weather conditions and still enjoy the benefits. Daily walking is also good for mental health and is time out from our busy world. Ensure you have good supportive shoes and there is no end of possibilities for places you can enjoy walking.


Maintain A Healthy Diet


I've read reports that fruit and vegetables are one of the first foods to be cut from the diets of people who are finding it hard to make ends meet.  The vitamins, minerals, and fibre provided by fruit and vegetables are essential for good health and decrease the risk of heart disease and some cancers, It's awful to think you are putting yourself at risk of illness because you simply can't afford to buy these vital foods.  Consider joining a food co-op. Many schools and churches offer this service and one of my clients has been doing this for years. She pays $25.00 weekly for a large box of the freshest produce you can buy and she usually has leftovers at the end of each week. Each member of the co-op goes to the markets once every 8-10 weeks and does the shop for the whole co-op and then divides the produce and delivers the boxes. For minimal effort, you can make a massive saving as my client estimates the box she receives would cost well over $100 if she purchased each item in the supermarket. 

If this is too expensive, try growing your fruit, vegetables and herbs. This can be done in even the smallest areas and on balconies. It's less effort than you think and seeds are usually only a few dollars to purchase which can produce kilos of produce. My grandmother owned a nursery when I was a child and my family has always grown lots of our produce. You can find guidance on YouTube and it's very good for your mental health too. Tough times call for thinking outside the square.

I hope this post inspires you to think of even more free or cost-effective ways of maintaining your health and fitness. If you are ready to start your Pilates journey to pain-free living email me at [email protected]. Alternatively,  access my online Pilates program of on-demand videos which I specifically designed to help you recover from pain or injury  It would be my pleasure to assist you!








If you are ready to take control of your own health and fitness then download your free copy of my detailed guide.

Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.