How to Improve Your Body Awareness
Nov 19, 2023
"I don't have enough strength to ride my stationary bike for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time," said my lovely client of more than 12 years. Knowing she had more than enough strength to do this, I was confused. Apparently, her mid back ached so much that she had to stop and rest before getting back on the bike for another 5 minutes before her back ached again. This made no sense to me at all. I needed to check her posture on the bike. What was she doing to make her back ache? As the session was virtual this was entirely possible and I immediately saw what was causing her back pain. To my surprise, my client was scrolling her phone to pass the time as she pedalled. The back of her head was almost parallel to the ceiling. The strain on her upper and mid back with the weight of her head so far forward was huge and her back was protesting in pain. Basically, she was compromising her posture and using all the wrong muscles to ride the bike. When I asked her to put the phone down and place her hands on the handles she immediately felt the difference. Instead of being aware of what was happening in her body while she rode the bike she was trying to block it out by distracting herself with her phone. When I asked my client which muscles she could feel working she didn't know. While my lovely client was cutting off from her body on the stationary bike, she actually has excellent body awareness while she is doing Pilates, she just needed to extend that into riding her bike and all other areas of her life. It's so much more beneficial to stay mentally present and focus on your body when you are exercising. We"ll look at why this is the case and how you can increase your own body awareness and make Pilates or exercising in general more beneficial for you too.
The Mind-Body Connection of Pilates
Joseph Pilates tells us that staying mentally present or " concentrating" while exercising is central to his method of exercise. " Concentrate on the correct movements EACH TIME YOU EXERCISE, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all the vital benefits of their value." EACH TIME YOU EXERCISE is emphasised by Joseph Pilates himself in his book "Return to Life Through Contrology." If he intended his method of exercise to be as much a mental workout as it is physical and you are mentally distracting yourself from your body, you are missing out on some of the benefits that you could be experiencing. While multitasking is encouraged and applauded in today's world, exercising is one area of your life where concentrating on your body should be your only task at this time. If you are scrolling your phone or thinking about what to have for dinner while you are exercising you are shortchanging yourself and like my lovely client, putting yourself at risk of injury.
What Are the Benefits of Having Good Body Awareness?
Good body awareness is often referred to as having good proprioception which is the ability to perceive and understand the position, movement, and coordination of your body parts in space. This awareness is crucial for various aspects of physical and mental well-being. Some benefits of having good body awareness are:
1. Enhanced Movement Efficiency:
When you have a heightened sense of body awareness, you move more efficiently. This efficiency translates to better coordination, smoother movements, and increased precision in activities such as exercise, sports, and everyday tasks.2. Improved Posture:
Good body awareness allows you to recognize and correct your posture. Understanding the alignment of your spine, shoulders, and hips helps in maintaining a more upright and balanced posture, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues.
Good body awareness allows you to recognize and correct your posture. Understanding the alignment of your spine, shoulders, and hips helps in maintaining a more upright and balanced posture, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues.
3. Improved Balance and Stability:
Proprioception is essential for balance and stability. With good body awareness, you can better control your body's position, respond to changes in terrain or surface, and prevent falls which could ultimately save your life
Proprioception is essential for balance and stability. With good body awareness, you can better control your body's position, respond to changes in terrain or surface, and prevent falls which could ultimately save your life
4. Improved Mindfulness
Body awareness fosters a strong mind-body connection. Understanding the sensations and feedback from your body enhances mindfulness, allowing you to be present in the moment and fully engaged in your activities. This connection contributes to overall mental well-being.
5. Pain Management:
Individuals with good body awareness are often more attuned to the early signs of discomfort or pain. This heightened awareness enables proactive measures to address and manage pain, whether through adjustments in movement, stretching, or seeking appropriate medical attention.
Body awareness fosters a strong mind-body connection. Understanding the sensations and feedback from your body enhances mindfulness, allowing you to be present in the moment and fully engaged in your activities. This connection contributes to overall mental well-being.
5. Pain Management:
Individuals with good body awareness are often more attuned to the early signs of discomfort or pain. This heightened awareness enables proactive measures to address and manage pain, whether through adjustments in movement, stretching, or seeking appropriate medical attention.
6. Stress Reduction:
By focusing on the present moment and being attuned to your body, you can release tension, promote relaxation, and manage stress more effectively. This helps to prevent and manage mental health issues such as anxiety and depression
7. Increased Spatial Awareness:
Proprioception enhances spatial awareness, allowing you to navigate your surroundings with ease. This is beneficial in activities that involve spatial judgment, such as driving, navigating crowded spaces or participating in team sports.
7. Increased Spatial Awareness:
Proprioception enhances spatial awareness, allowing you to navigate your surroundings with ease. This is beneficial in activities that involve spatial judgment, such as driving, navigating crowded spaces or participating in team sports.
8. Injury Prevention:
As I've already mentioned, good body awareness is associated with a reduced risk of injuries. Being aware of how your body moves and maintaining proper alignment during physical activities helps prevent strains, sprains, and other injuries by avoiding unnecessary stress on joints and muscles.
As I've already mentioned, good body awareness is associated with a reduced risk of injuries. Being aware of how your body moves and maintaining proper alignment during physical activities helps prevent strains, sprains, and other injuries by avoiding unnecessary stress on joints and muscles.
How Can You Improve Your Body Awareness?
Some people have naturally good body awareness and others need to actively work on developing it. If you would like to improve your body awareness, you can start straight away. Begin by bringing your attention to your body and incorporating mindfulness into your everyday movements. Whether walking, sitting, or reaching for an object, be aware of how your body is moving. Notice the sensations, the muscles involved, and any areas of tension or ease. This may be a little challenging at first but gradually increase the amount of time you keep your attention on your body and like anything it will become easier with practice. Another effective tool is journalling. Try keeping a body awareness journal. After physical activities or at the end of the day, jot down any sensations or observations about your body. This reflection can help you identify patterns, areas of improvement, or changes over time. Like any practice, it takes time to gradually increase your body but it is well worth the effort.
Pilates - The Ideal Way To Improve Your Body Awareness
If you want to practice a method of exercise that was designed to connect the mind to the body and improve your body awareness then Pilates is for you. Every exercise has a conscious breathing pattern and we aim to concentrate on what we are doing at all times. It is a practice and sometimes you will find your mind wandering but as you become more experienced you will see your body awareness improve. As Joseph Pilates said, "Pilates is complete co-ordination of body, mind and spirit."
If you are ready to start Pilates so you can improve your body awareness and experience all the benefits that this brings, email me at [email protected] to get started. Alternatively, you can book an Initial Assessment with me here or take the free 10 day trial of JS Mind Body Pilates, my online studio and start straight away. It would be my pleasure to assist you on your Pilates journey to moving with ease as you age!
If you are ready to take control of your own health and fitness then download your free copy of my detailed guide.
Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.