How Do I Ensure My Pilates Clients Achieve The Results They Need?
Feb 12, 2023
My mission is to help as many people as possible to become pain-free, stay pain free & move with ease as they age, so they can enjoy the highest quality of life possible well into their retirement years.
As Joseph Pilates said "Change happens through movement and movement heals " Now in my 19th year of teaching Pilates, I've assisted hundreds of people to become pain-free with Pilates, take back control of their lives and pursue all the passions they were missing out on previously. So how do I ensure my clients achieve the results they desire? There are 2 different paths you can take when learning Pilates from me. The first one begins with an in-depth Initial Assessment.
Gathering Information
The Initial Assessment with me is a 1 hour, 1 on1 session via Skype.. The aim of the session is for me to get to know how you move, your past medical history and what you want to achieve with Pilates. I also want to gain an understanding of how you feel if you are in pain or recovering from an injury. Have you had a diagnosis from a medical practitioner? Do you have the reports of any scans, x-rays etc? Where do you feel the pain? Are you in pain all the time or at certain times of the day or night? Do particular movements or positions trigger your pain? How does it impact your life? Are you having any treatment? I also assess your posture and advise you how to make changes if it needs to be improved and teach you how to connect your abdominal muscles. We then talk about what your goals are for Pilates. Now that I have an understanding of your individual needs I then design a program of exercises for you based on the findings of the Inital Assessment to help you become pain-free.
How Do You Learn Best?
Once I have all the information I need to help you reach your goals I keep adding to it as I introduce you to the basics of Pilates at your weekly sessions. Everyone learns differently and some clients find doing a weekly Skype session and daily practice using my on demand website gives them the best results. Others prefer to do 2 or 3 Skype sessions per week. Everyone learns differently so I take time to work out what works best for you. Some people are viual learners and need to see exactly what an exercise looks like before they try it. Auditory learners respond best when they are talked through an exercise and can ask questions about it. Kinesthetic learners need to experience and feel the particular exercise to process it in their bodies and brains. I adapt my teaching style to cater to each clients needs to ensure their sessions are as safe, beneficial and effective for them as possible, This helps to ensure they are making continual progress towards their goals. I genuinely care about my clients and am passionate about helping them to discover that movement really does heal and can help them live their best life possible. I attend courses and webnars and am continually on the lookout for new exercises, variations of exercises and different approaches to the way I currently teach. There is new research being released all the time which can also influence the way I teach. I constantly analyse what is working for my clients and what could be improved and make the necessary changes along the way. Often when I learn a new exercise, I'll automatically think of a client that that exercise would be perfect for. Thinking about what will benefit my clients is always at the back of my mind!
Long Term Clients
While I have clients at all stages of their PIlates journey to pain-free living with some just starting out, the majority have been learning PIlates with me for bewteen 3 and 17 years. Why do they keep doing Pilates even though they have become pain-free? They keep going becuase they want to stay pain-free and safeguard themselves against any pain flare-ups and prevent further injury in the future. Their PIlates training gives them strength, flexibility and improved body awareness. This gives them the confidence and ability to get back into sports & activities they love such as hiking, skiing and martial arts. Once you've experienced the life-changing benefits of Pilates it becomes a way of life and a method of movement you can do right through your 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond. I'm constantly monitoring the progress of all my clients and looking at ways to improve their fitness. I aim to improve their weaknesses and keep building on their strengths. Some need to improve thier coordination for others it's balance. It all comes down to their individual needs and I think about new exercises and challenges that will benefit them before each of their sessions. I also take into account how they are feeling on any given day and adjust their session accordingly. If a client has low energy or has been unwell, I adpat their session to cater to that. My teaching approach is very personalised.
What Is The Second Way Of Learning Pilates With You?
If you have only a minor injury or have some previous experience practising Pilates you can work through the appropriate course on my on-demand website independently without having an Initial Assessment. Many people have done and are currently doing this successfully. You also have the option of scheduling a 20 min strategy call with me any time you feel you need additional support or guidance. The aim of the Strategy Call is to help you decide on a course of action for your Pilates training, answer any questions you may have or to check your technique with a particular exercise. So even though you are working independently at your own pace, I'm always available to help guide you along the way if you need it.
Consistency Is Key
Although I always give 100% to teaching my clients to ensure they have the best chance possible of achieving there goals, there are times when they won't get the results they are looking for. This is usually because the clients are not consistent with their Pilates training which is vital especially in the early stages when they are mastering the basics. Some give up too soon as they want instant results. Like anything worthwhile it takes to see results from Pilates and most people start to see positive changes around the 10 hour mark. Sadly, some people give up before then. Others are afraid of change. I've seen people start to experience a decrease in their pain levels and then regress . Sometimes they leave altogether. For some, being pain-free means they have to go back to work or are free to babysit their grankids 5 days per week. They may not be ready to be pain-free again as they will have a completely different life and it's safer to stay in pain. This may sound strange to some people but I've seen this happen first hand several times over the years.
If you are ready to start your Pilates journey with me email me at if you have any questions or want to get started. Alternatively, you can book an in-depth Initial Assessment with me here. It would be my pleasure to assist you in being pain-free again so you can get back to living the life of your dreams!