5 Reasons Why Upper Body Strengthening Is Essential As You Age

pilates & upper body strengthening Feb 20, 2022
These elderly people have excellent upper body strength and I offer advice on how to achieve this with Pilates
My great aunt who lived until the ripe old age of 99 was fit and active right up until her early 90s.  Her secret was walking.  She didn't drive so she walked everywhere.  She walked to the local shopping centre several times per week and carried the groceries home with her.  When her destination was beyond walking distance she took a bus or train and always walked to and from the bus stop or station.  She lived at the bottom of a hill so it was a challenging, winding course up to the main road.  She also mowed her own lawns, trimmed the edges and tended to her beautiful garden.  She was full of energy and led a very active life.  When she was in her late 80s I noticed she was becoming round-shouldered and appeared to be shrinking in height.  Not long after this she developed a painful shoulder injury.  Walking had kept her lower body strong but her upper body was showing the signs of under use as her arms were skin and bone.  I love walking just as much as my great aunt did, but I love Pilates even more.  Walking provides so many physical and mental benefits but it doesn't help much with upper body strengthening which is essential for so many reasons that you may not have even considered.  So let's look at why it is so important to strengthen our upper bodies, especially as we age.

Improves Posture & Prevents Shoulder Injury


Pilates is what my great aunt needed to prevent her upper body curling forward.  It incorporates a breathing pattern for each exercise which helps to connect with and strengthen the postural or abdominal muscles.  This in turn promotes well aligned posture.  It also focuses on a lengthened, upright spine instead of curling forward as we age.  It strengthens from the inside first so once you have gained some "inner" or abdominal strength you can then focus on strengthening the back muscles, shoulder stabilisers and arm muscles.  When your upper body is curled forward the shoulders are in a position they were never designed to be in and they can't work efficiently.  This imbalance means that some muscles are on stretch, some are overworking and others and not doing enough.  What a mess!  This can result in a shoulder injury and until the posture is corrected shoulder exercises alone aren't going to rehabilitate the shoulder. My great aunt experienced this first hand and she had to learn to live with the pain and restrict the use of her shoulder. This was no way for her to live but at the time Pilates wasn't available to her and she wasn't given any other options.  Maintaining good posture with Pilates will save you so much pain in your later years and the sooner you start the better! 

Can Help You Prevent or Recover from Pneumonia


As we age we lose muscle mass quite quickly.  Unless we are actively strengthening our muscles to reverse this process our muscles will become atrophied and weak.  The muscles of respiration, including the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, the muscles between the ribs, as well as the abdominal muscles are vital for good lung function.  While more research is needed there is evidence to suggest that loss of muscle mass is linked to compromised immunity and therefore greater risk of  contracting infections such as pneumonia.  When these muscles are strong you are less susceptible to contracting pneumonia but if you do become ill you are much more likely to make a full recovery due to being able to fight the infection with a stronger immune system.   Good muscle strength is also required to be able to cope with coughing to help clear the lungs.  Unfortunately, pneumonia has a high mortality rate due to upper body muscle weakness. The fact that this is entirely preventable by maintaining muscle mass with Pilates is tragic . Make sure you future proof yourself against this disease and if you aren't already strengthening with Pilates click HERE to see how you can work with me in my online studio.  Pilates helps you maintain a strong and flexible upper body and I'm passionate about helping you to stay strong fit and healthy well into your retirement years!

Essential if You Have to Use Crutches or a Wheelchair


Recently, one of my clients of 12 years  who is in her mid 50s suffered a freak accident. She stepped up onto a slippery, wet step during rain and lost her balance.  As she tried to save herself she stepped back and hit her other foot on the step below as she stumbled.  She fractured a bone in her foot and one in her ankle.  Needless to say she was devastated at how quickly an accident like this can happen and she feared what was ahead.  She was on crutches for the first 2 weeks and then progressed to a walking stick before she could walk unaided.  The whole time she was wearing a moon boot which is a supportive brace to hold her foot in the same position.  At every session without fail she tells me how grateful she is that her upper body is so strong. She can't imagine what it would be like using crutches without a strong upper body to take the load.  As it is she has some sore spots around her shoulders but on the whole she is doing very well.  What if you found yourself in this situation?  Would you have enough upper body strength to be on crutches and wear a moon boot which  makes  walking a challenge.  If you have a strong upper body you have peace of mind that if you need to use crutches, a moon boot or a wheelchair you can do it safely and effectively.  At a time like this you certainly don't need any additional injuries so staying strong makes so much sense! 

Makes Everyday Tasks Easier


On a practical level, upper body strength makes everyday life a lot more straightforward.  If you are strong enough to carry bags of groceries home from the supermarket, lift bags of soil to top up your garden beds or piggy back your grandchildren around, life is going to be so much more comfortable and enjoyable. There is a lot of frustration involved in not being able open a tight lid on a jar or reach up onto a top shelf to lift a heavy saucepan down onto a cooktop.   Upper body strength is required for so many tasks and if you don't have the necessary strength required there is a sense of loss of independence and a reliance on others to complete tasks that once would have been manageable.  We don't have to lose our upper body strength as we age and it's possible to establish and maintain this strength is just 15 mins per day of consistent Pilates training using my online studio.   Investing in your own health and fitness is the best investment you can ever make! 

It's Empowering!


Having a strong upper body leads to well aligned posture which is an empowering feeling as we age. The kind of posture my great aunt developed, round shouldered with a sunken chest, not only looks painful and causes injury but is associated with lack of confidence.  There is a direct connection between posture and emotions.  Poor posture can cause you to feel more negative and has been linked to depression.  Good posture is associated with confidence, higher self-esteem and positive emotions. So make yourself a priority and ensure you feel strong, confident and ready to enjoy all life has to offer and start strengthening with Pilates. You will change your life in ways you can't even imagine!
If you want to enjoy the benefits of upper body strengthening,  click HERE to read about what options I have to offer you to begin your Pilates journey.  Alternatively, email me at [email protected] - I'd love to help you start your Pilates journey to a strong, upper body!

If you are ready to take control of your own health and fitness then download your free copy of my detailed guide.

Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.