5 Exercise Mistakes You Could Be Making As You Age

pilates for active aging Apr 10, 2023
This person is engaging in an activity that could potentially cause injury but Pilates can prepare them for this


If you are going to invest your time and money in establishing an exercise routine, how do you know you are going to gain maximum effectiveness from your chosen activity? Is it producing the results you are looking for?  Are you reaching your full potential?  Mistakes when it comes to your health and fitness can cause injury and significantly reduce your ability to enjoy life as you age.  Let's look at some commonly held beliefs that could be negatively impacting your health as well as the solutions to ensure you future-proof yourself against injury now and in the future.

You Believe All Types Of Movement Are Equal


Sadly, not all types of movement and exercise are equal and produce varying results.  When my studio closed in March 2020 some of my clients were quick to commit to virtual sessions and others took more to get used to the idea.  One client who I'll call Cheryl, took 15 months to give virtual sessions a try and I was shocked when I finally saw her again. . A twice weekly client of mine for 12 years pre-Covid, I had a thorough understanding of her physical strengths and weaknesses, her movement patterns and her past medical history.  She has significant ongoing foot issues which has impacted her knees and at times her lower back.  After years of careful training with a Pilates exercise program I specifically tailored to her own needs, this was all under control.the last time I saw her in March.2020.  Fast forward to June 2021 and to my horror she was in so much pain she couldn't put her foot to the floor.  She was hobbling around and she was deteriorating rapidly.  Due to Covid lockdown, Cheryl hadn't done much exercise but in desperation had enrolled in 3 months of Pilates sessions in a general exercise class just before starting back with me virtually.  She wasn't getting any results as she needed specific exercises fot her feet and knees and she was actually going backwards.  That's when she called me and wanted to try virtual sessions.  I'm delighted to say with twice weekly virtual sessions, Cheryl was able to get back to where she needs to be relatively quickly. Today she is largely pain- free and we manage any flare ups successfully so she can enjoy life again.  It also gives her peace of mind knowing she is investing her time and energy in the most effective Pilates program for her as she ages.  If you aren't sure if your exercise routine is producing results, try stopping it and see what happens.  Do you feel better or are you noticeably worse?  I would never have recommended Cheryl stop PIlates due to her issues but at least she was able to see how beneficial her individualised Pilates program was for her in the long term.


You Lack Consistency 


Over the years I've had several clients who have attended sessions on such an irregular basis that I secretly hoped they wouldn't tell anyone they did Pilates with me.  Not surprisingly, they didn't achieve the results they were looking for.  Whatever your discipline, whether it's walking, swimming, martial arts or Pilates you need to be consistent to see results. You also need to be cautious that you are not doing something consistently that is causing you pain or putting so much strain on your joints that you will eventually develop an injury.  If these types of sports and activities are your passion what should you do? My online Pilates studio is the ideal way of cross-training for these activities so you are prepared to withstand the demands on your body.  I have many clients who do enjoy rigourous sports and activities in their 50s, 60s and 70s but they are consistent with their Pilates training so can participate knowing they are fully prepared.

You Are In Pain & Want To Avoid Moving So You Can Rest

If you are in pain you need to begin with a very gentle Pilates program that is tailored to your individual condition. You may feel that resting gives you some relief in the short term but you need a long-term solution such as my Pilates program which is specifically designed to help you recover from pain or Injury. Joseph Pilates said  "Change happens through movement and movement heals."  Bed rest was once the cure for many painful conditions.   We now know, however, that gentle therapeutic movement in small daily doses, that includes core strengthening such as Pilates, can alleviate pain and help you to stay pain-free in the future.


You Dislike Gyms & Aren't Aware Of Any Alternatives

Many people find gyms intimidating places and would never consider stepping foot in one. They also falsely believe that this excludes them from exercise. There are so many different possibilities to explore these days if going to a not for you . My online Pilates studio allows you to take classes in the convenience of your own home, office or on holidays.  If you are in pain and find it difficult to drive to a Pilates studio this option is for you.  If you are self conscious about exercising in front of other people or you are just time poor, the convenience of online PIlates classes is ideal for you.  I offer 1 on 1 sessions virtually and a library of on-demand videos. You can do either option or both.  Everyone learns differently and it all depends on what works best for you

You Know The Dangers Of Not Exercising But Think They Don't Apply To You.

It always amazes how many people think they are somehow exempt from the need to move and exercise their bodies to stay fit and healthy.  When talking with them they can tell you all the reasons why exercise is important but they just don't have the time or it's too expensive or it takes too much energy.  If you believe movement is optional you probably haven't experienced the effects of not exercising yet.  The muscle loss, painful joints and a range of issues such as back, knee, hip.and shoulder pain are a wake up call that you need to move.  At this point you have a choice.  Start moving or resort to living on pain killers or surgery if your condition is severe.  Don't be one of the people.who have never exercised who wait until they have completely fallen apart  before taking any action.  Start now as it will be so much easier for you. . My online Pilates program helps to strengthen your core muscles to keep you pain-free and prevent injury. There are no exceptions, all human beings are designed to move.

If you are looking for a highly effective way of future-proofing yourself against injury as you age. It would be my pleasure to assist you.  Contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.  If you would like to be part of my unique online Pilates community and keep moving with ease as you age, click HERE to read about what options I have available.  I'd love to help you begin your Pilates journey and help you to stay strong, fit and healthy well into your retirement years!



If you are ready to take control of your own health and fitness then download your free copy of my detailed guide.

Learn more about what sort of people benefit from Pilates and how it can help you too. I separate the myths from the facts and share actual case studies of my clients who have achieved life-changing results from my unique Pilates program.